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Blown Away!
3 Couple Longways: 2s Improper

Music: ‘At the Brow of the Hill’ By Boldwood

Blown Away!Boldwood
00:00 / 03:18

A1: (1-16) Reverse Playford introductions

1st time; Arm R, set & turn single; arm L, set & turn single
2nd time; Interline siding RS, set & turn single; interline siding LS, set & turn single
3rd time; Lead up a double & back, set & turn single (face down); lead down a double and back; set & turn single (be ready for the hey)



(1-8) Full Morris hey [1s & 2s facing up, 3s facing down]           (9-12) Circle L 1⁄2

(13-16) Balance the ring; petronella 1 place R [you’re now facing your new prtnr]



(1-4) Top 2 Cpls RH star.                                                                   (5-8) Bottom 2 Cpls LH star



(1-8) Cast from top & lead back up to place.
Extra 4 bars on last time; Step R & L (quite quickly) & honour the presence


From a couple of positions the transition from the turn single, into the hey can be mildly awkward but it only happens once for each person so I hope you can forgive me! On the last time through because you are facing down the hey will start by the middles going down, make dancers aware that the hey will feel slightly different

This is a change partner dance!


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