A Hollingshurst's Delight
3 Couple Longways
Tune: 3x32 bar waltz. I use Ashokan Farewell (Folkus Pocus - Under No Illusion, Track 17)
(1-8) Full grimstock hey from the top
(1-8) Ends full fig 8 thru middles [cross at top, cast at bottom]
(1-8) 2s turn contra corners [ptnr R, 1st crnr L, ptnr R, 2nd crnr L. The corner turns are man/man, lady/lady, don’t panic!]​
(1-2) 1s & 2s ½ LH star
(3-4) 1s & 3s ½ RH star
(5-8) All 2HT ptnr​
Progression: 2, 3i, 1
​Teaching Points:
When the 1st & 2nd ladies have finished their corner turns, they can keep hold to go into the LH star, with the men join the star as the ladies finish the turn. I find this is often easier to demo than it is to explain! The transition from the grimstock into the fig 8 for the bottom cpl is slightly awkward, I’m sorry!