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Passing Dolphins  
 3cpls in a 4cpl Longways Set

Tune: 8x40 reels (Highland Rambler, Track 7 on Jim Lindsay’s album ‘Reel of the puffins’

Highland Rambler
00:00 / 05:52


(1-6) 1s set, cross & cast to 2nd  place  [2s step up to 1st cpls place, 1s  finishing improper]

(7-8) 1s dance ½ Bernard-Bentley allemande to finish facing 1st corner [L1 behind M1]



(1-4) M in lead, pass 1st corner RS for ½ diagonal dolphin        reel

(5-8) L in lead, turn R pass 2nd corner RS for ½ diagonal          dolphin reel



(1-4) M in lead, turn R pass 3rd corner RS for ½ diagonal           dolphin reel

(5-8) L in the lead turn R, 1st lady only pass 4th corner             RS for 1/2 diagonal reel of 3 WHILE 1st man turns left               round top man into 2nd place opposite his partner. [This             will take 1st cpl to own sides where they can carry a little further into set to         face 1st crnrs]


B2: (1-8) Corners Pass & Turn

(1-4) 1s pass 1st crnr RS, and loop R to come back in to set & pass ptnrs RS to face 2nd crnrs WHILE 1st crnrs dance to centre of set, 2HT, and dance back out to place.

(5-8) 1s pass 2nd crnr RS, and loop R to come back in to set & pass ptnrs RS to own side WHILE 2nd crnrs dance to centre of set, 2HT, and dance back out to place



(1-8) Hands six, slip circle L&R


Progression: Standard Scottish 4cpl progression. [1s dance from 1st position with next 2 cpls, and then dance again from 2nd position with next 2 cpls]


​Teaching Points: 

½ Bernard-Bentley allemande- Working cpl join RH, man turns lady under his arm WHILE he steps forward and in front of his ptnr, placing her behind him


Reels- These are started from the 4 corner positions.

1st corner= top man’s position

2nd corner= bottom man’s position

3rd corner= bottom lady’s position

4th corner= top lady’s position.


Note that the above are positions and not people, it is always a man in these places.  The 4th reel variation allows the working cpl to end on their own side facing their 1st corners. During the walkthrough this will not be what dancers expect, so emphasise that for last reel you are not working with your partner.

Once you get the flow of the dance it really does move along nicely, the working cpl should not stop at any point.

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