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The Rutland Roundabout
4 Couple Square

Tune: 4x32 bar Waltz- I use ‘Chance Creek’ on Airdance’s Album ‘Cloud Nine’

Chance Creek
00:00 / 03:34


(1-8) Hands 8 circle L & R



(1-4) Heads straight across R&L thru

(5-8) Heads face R, R&L thru with side cpls         



(1-2) All balance towards ptnr & away

(3-4) Petronella to make cross formation [facing ptnr, Ls back-back in centre]

(5-8) Pass ptnr RS ½ interlocking reels of 4



(1-4) All set & petronella to square formation IMPROPER  

(3-4) All 2HT ptnr 1½  


Progression: 1 place anticlockwise as couples.


​Teaching Points:

Petronellas- 1st time, ladies first step is forwards and slightly to the L. For the men their first step is backwards and to the R otherwise there will be a collision!

2nd is standard for everybody, forward to the R.


Interlocking Reels-  Men: Pass ptnr R shoulder, in middle do single file circle R ½ to face neighbour, pass R shoulder, then loop R to face ptnr.

Ladies: Pass ptnr R shoulder, loop R to face neighbour pass R shoulder, then in middle do single file circle R ½ to face ptnr.


The most technically challenging part of the dance is the interlocking reels, these need to be driven, not rushed. There is only 1 waltz step per change, and the single file circle is one change!

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