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Heys to Lichfield
 5 Couple Longways

Music: 3D - 5x48 Irish Ceilidh Jigs

Heys to Lichfield
00:00 / 04:14


(1-4) 1s Cross & cast down [2s move up as soon as they can].                (5-8) 1s 1/2 figure 8 through 2s.



(1-8) 1s repeat from new positions



(1-8) 1s [now in middle place] cross heys down with 4s & 5s



(1-4) 1s Cross heys up with 2s & 3s. Ending in middle place



(1-4) 1s in middle place with 4s, Circle L 1⁄2, fall back to              lines

(5-8) 1s & 4s, set moving forward & cross to own side.



(1-8) 1s repeat same move with 5s. 1s ending proper at bottom of set.


Progression: 2,3,4,5,1


I think this set of jigs from 3D has a real drive to it so please encourage dancers to really drive the movements, not rush, DRIVE! To get full enjoyment out of the dance & tunes

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