Music: The Good Tune - The Rose Tree
(1-4) Face partner, set & turn RH nearly all the way to face corner. (5-8) Face corner, set & turn LH nearly all the way to face partner.
(1-8) Face partner for interlocking reels of 4
[Pass prtnr R, No2 L, No3 R, turn back on No4; Pass No3 R, No2 L, pass prtnr R finish with the ladies facing out, men facing in.]
B1: (1-4) ¼ Shiehallion Reel finishing 1 place to the R.
1-2 Men dance to the where the lady is diagonally R and stay facing out WHLST the ladies loop round into the man’s place beside them
3-4 Ladies dance to where the man is diagonally R and stay facing our WHILST the men loop into the ladies’ place beside them.
(5-8) Partners 2HT
(1-4) All 8 circle L ½
(5-8) All 8 into middle & back.
The Shiehallion reel sounds daunting but once you’ve done it once, it’s fine! During A1, depending on the recording you use, dancers may have to drive the turn slightly. But if danced with a proper ‘skip change’, it is much easier!