Stars to Freedom
4 Couple Longways: 1s & 3s Improper
Music: The Good Tune - Margaret's Waltz
(1-4) Everybody set R&L; ends cast to middle, middles lead to end.
(5-8) Middles 1⁄2 RH star; turn into star, fall back.
(1-4) Everybody set R&L; ends cast to middle, middles lead to end.
(5-8) Middles 1⁄2 RH star; turn into star, fall back.
(1-4) Middles face ends, half reel of 4.
(5-8) Face partner, set & turn single.
(1-4) In 4s, 1⁄2 RH star, middles, 1⁄2 LH star.
(5-8) All 2HT partner.
Progression: 2,4,1,3
In the 1⁄2 stars of the A music, you have 4 bars to do a move which only takes two. This is why I ask dancers to turn in towards the star and then fall back, this uses the extra 2 bars of music and in my opinion adds an extra bit of interest.
Another unintentional quirk of the dance is that the 1st & 3rd times through, the 1s and 3s are improper, but the 2nd & 4th times through, it’s the 2s & 4s. However most dancers can handle this as long as they are pre- warned!